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Our Students

Our Students

"All who have mediated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth." Students are the souls of the school. Apart from being given proper education under the guidance of best teachers or taking part in extra curricular activities for making their own sense of individuality and creativity. They are full rightful to present any grievance and redress will follow to their proper conviction.

In order to have smooth running of the education system, the students will be divided into four houses. There will be selection of the school caption and vice caption for effective maintenance of leadership. There will be regular competitions among various houses in sports and cultural programmes etc.

Form of Disciplinary Measures

If a Student indulges in the forbidden practice, the following disciplinary measures may be taken by the school authorities:-
  • Warning
  • Fine
  • Expulsion
  • Rustication for a special period.
  • The Principal convinced of the child indulgence in any of the forbidden practice may warn or impose a fine on a student by informing his parents or local guardian
  • Rustication may be resorted if the principal is satisfied on the basis of information and evidence available that the retention of pupil in school will be detrimental to its moral tone and discipline.

Fundamental duties of students

If a Student indulges in the forbidden practice, the following disciplinary measures may be taken by the school authorities:-
  • The student should be punctual.
  • He/She should be neat and tidy in person. Dress and work.
  • Be courteous to all
  • The child will except with prior permission remain in the school premises during school hour.
  • The student has to abide by the rules.
  • The child must be active and decent in all spheres of activity.
  • The students themselves are responsible for any miscreation and punishment there of.
  • One has to be honest and truthful in ones dealings.




Students enrolled




Global Teachers


Meet Our teachers

S. P. Singh
S. P. Singh
S. P. Singh
S. P. Singh